Wednesday, April 25, 2007
But what does it mean?
Obviously when you're connecting with someone on that level, even when there's a soulmatedom and you grow an intrinsic part of your entire ethos of the world with that person then you're going to remain...there's always going to remain a vestige, a little light which you can't extinguish
Thursday, April 19, 2007
shirtless footballers

Noticing that Mac has given us yet another photo of Wayne Rooney, I would like to counter that with Frank Lampard.
Now, I accept that (a) he is not my normal type, and (b) he is probably an odious individual, but for some reason he is currently working for me on the usual levels. I am, nonetheless disappointed at the hairless chest, which frankly looks too smooth to be natural so I have suspicions of waxing or shaving which is yet more disappointment, but what can you do?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Separated at Birth?

As the trial of Phil Spector starts, he seems once again to have changed his wig. Gone is the Hair Bear gigantic frizz, and in it's place somthing which makes him seems to have not just a passing resemblance to Genesis P. Orridge of Throbbing Gristle (for whom Mac used to babysit years back, I believe)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Back and grumpy

Long time, no blog. Very little excuses other than very little to say but now I’m back and I hope to pick up the blogging pace again, so to speak.
After such a long break it would perhaps be best to blog about something light, such as Mac and my obsessive trips to see Arcade Fire live, including a somewhat disasterous short break in Paris. Or perhaps how I am obsessing over a compliation of British 60’s female vocalists called ‘Dreambabes: Am I Dreaming?’ put together by Bob Stanley of St Etienne, and how Bob and Peter Wiggs’ monthly Turntable Café evenings at the SouthBank Centre are quite possibly the best evenings out each month.
Instead I have chosen to be quite serious and heavy, I’m afraid. I think it is disgusting that these two former hostages/Royal Navy seamen have been allowed to sell their stories, and in particular I am going to single out the little baby-man, Arthur. Seriously though, Yes I’m sure that what they went through was scary and most unpleasant, and that Iran were obviously using them in a propaganda war, but let’s not forget that they are there doing their paid duty, and this is a risk of conflict which (technically) they signed up to. Their argument is that talking about what happened to them is part of dealing with it. Fine, so have a press conference and be done with it, don’t offer yourself up to the highest bidder like you were Jade or Kerry Katona or some media whore like that. Their response to a comment like that is that why shouldn’t they get paid for having to spend time doing press conferences when they could be with their family? Um, how about a quick conference and be done with it then?
But why do I feel the need to pick on wee baby-faced Arthur and not the woman? Well, I guess a combination of the speed that he sold his soul and the things he said.
It was psychological torture, they called him Mr Bean! But, like a good brave soldier he didn’t show them his tears but instead cried his eyes out at this terrible name calling when he was back in his cell. Our brave fighting forces brought to tears because they said they thought he looked like Mr Bean. The Iranians must be wetting themselves with laughter at the moment if it is that easy to break the resolve of the great British forces.
What thieves, they stole his I-Pod too! Hang on, he’s in a war zone on duty where he should be vigilant and on alert, why has he got his I-Pod with him? I don't have mine on when I'm in the office, I'm paid to work not bop along to the hits. Is this the level of dedication we have to expect from our armed forces? Heaven help us all then if someone attacks Britain.
And now he’s under criticism so what does he say? He wasn’t paid that much anyway, probably barely enough for a few driving lessons, not even a car as well. Well, I know it’s been years since I took driving lessons but we’re not talking thousands here so does that mean he’s sold his soul, his reputation and the reputation of our armed forces for next to nothing? Stupid little prat.
Oh, and look, he has his own myspace-style webpage (which I found whilst googling to find an image of him). Total saddo.
And while I’m in miserable old man mode, may I directly quote from one of his recent comments from a friend?
“im happy ur bac nd all but u guys shudnt of been over there in da first place”
What the hell has happened to the English language? Why can’t people even attempt to spell properly and use proper grammar?
Harumph. Come back next time for a return to frivolous blogging about music, comics, Marfa and possibly sexy beasts.
After such a long break it would perhaps be best to blog about something light, such as Mac and my obsessive trips to see Arcade Fire live, including a somewhat disasterous short break in Paris. Or perhaps how I am obsessing over a compliation of British 60’s female vocalists called ‘Dreambabes: Am I Dreaming?’ put together by Bob Stanley of St Etienne, and how Bob and Peter Wiggs’ monthly Turntable Café evenings at the SouthBank Centre are quite possibly the best evenings out each month.
Instead I have chosen to be quite serious and heavy, I’m afraid. I think it is disgusting that these two former hostages/Royal Navy seamen have been allowed to sell their stories, and in particular I am going to single out the little baby-man, Arthur. Seriously though, Yes I’m sure that what they went through was scary and most unpleasant, and that Iran were obviously using them in a propaganda war, but let’s not forget that they are there doing their paid duty, and this is a risk of conflict which (technically) they signed up to. Their argument is that talking about what happened to them is part of dealing with it. Fine, so have a press conference and be done with it, don’t offer yourself up to the highest bidder like you were Jade or Kerry Katona or some media whore like that. Their response to a comment like that is that why shouldn’t they get paid for having to spend time doing press conferences when they could be with their family? Um, how about a quick conference and be done with it then?
But why do I feel the need to pick on wee baby-faced Arthur and not the woman? Well, I guess a combination of the speed that he sold his soul and the things he said.
It was psychological torture, they called him Mr Bean! But, like a good brave soldier he didn’t show them his tears but instead cried his eyes out at this terrible name calling when he was back in his cell. Our brave fighting forces brought to tears because they said they thought he looked like Mr Bean. The Iranians must be wetting themselves with laughter at the moment if it is that easy to break the resolve of the great British forces.
What thieves, they stole his I-Pod too! Hang on, he’s in a war zone on duty where he should be vigilant and on alert, why has he got his I-Pod with him? I don't have mine on when I'm in the office, I'm paid to work not bop along to the hits. Is this the level of dedication we have to expect from our armed forces? Heaven help us all then if someone attacks Britain.
And now he’s under criticism so what does he say? He wasn’t paid that much anyway, probably barely enough for a few driving lessons, not even a car as well. Well, I know it’s been years since I took driving lessons but we’re not talking thousands here so does that mean he’s sold his soul, his reputation and the reputation of our armed forces for next to nothing? Stupid little prat.
Oh, and look, he has his own myspace-style webpage (which I found whilst googling to find an image of him). Total saddo.
And while I’m in miserable old man mode, may I directly quote from one of his recent comments from a friend?
“im happy ur bac nd all but u guys shudnt of been over there in da first place”
What the hell has happened to the English language? Why can’t people even attempt to spell properly and use proper grammar?
Harumph. Come back next time for a return to frivolous blogging about music, comics, Marfa and possibly sexy beasts.