Friday, May 13, 2005
New comics review
Not a bad week for new comics, so I am bound to bore of passing comments before I cover them all.
Wonder Woman #216. I really should stop reading this, I only started because I like Phil Jiminez's artwork, and he left around two years ago. Force of habit, I guess. Anyway, Wonder Woman is still blind, and on a mission in the underworld to free the dead god Hermes for her patron, Athena, who has managed to overthrow Zeus and leader of the gods... (yawn) As I say, I really must stop reading this one, I love the character but I am bored with the comic now. Maybe when it reaches the end of the storyline...
Outsiders#23. I've really been enjoying this series but this issue didn't set the world on fire. Roll on the crossover with Teen Titans later this month and (deep breath to conceal his excitement) their part in the Return of Donna Troy, which I am overjoyed to say has been brought forward a month and the first issue comes out two days before my birthday. So happy birthday to me from DC, my absolute favourite hero back from the dead!
Fables. Constantly good, and we're moving closer to finding out who the Adversary is. The Snow Queen appears to be his second in command; my guess is still either the Blue Fairy or Gepetto from Pinocchio. In another blog I may state my reasons for this.
(I know how all this must sound to non-comic readers. Yes, it is a bit geeky but it's harmless, and if I choose to spend my hard-earned money reading this then that's my choice and it's better than spending it on the cracks)
Speedy reviews for the rest:
JSA - To be dropped probably at the end of this storyline. It's well written and the art is always good but I never particularly like the characters, and need to make some cuts.
Aquaman - Ditto, soon to go. I thought Rick Veitch's run trying to bring him into more Celtic/Arthurian mystique was good but suffered from Veitch's habit of drawing stories out too long with so much padding that a 6-part story ends up being drawn out into 12 issues. It lost a lot of readers for this and so they have paniced and gone retro with him which is in itself rather dull.
Green Lantern Rebirth - Not a bad tale which I have to confess I only picked up as I have a fascination in seeing how they bring heroes back from the dead, or back from evil, or in this case both. I don't particularly like the Sci-Fi aspect of Green Lantern though so won't be picking up the new ongoing monthly.
Wonder Woman #216. I really should stop reading this, I only started because I like Phil Jiminez's artwork, and he left around two years ago. Force of habit, I guess. Anyway, Wonder Woman is still blind, and on a mission in the underworld to free the dead god Hermes for her patron, Athena, who has managed to overthrow Zeus and leader of the gods... (yawn) As I say, I really must stop reading this one, I love the character but I am bored with the comic now. Maybe when it reaches the end of the storyline...
Outsiders#23. I've really been enjoying this series but this issue didn't set the world on fire. Roll on the crossover with Teen Titans later this month and (deep breath to conceal his excitement) their part in the Return of Donna Troy, which I am overjoyed to say has been brought forward a month and the first issue comes out two days before my birthday. So happy birthday to me from DC, my absolute favourite hero back from the dead!
Fables. Constantly good, and we're moving closer to finding out who the Adversary is. The Snow Queen appears to be his second in command; my guess is still either the Blue Fairy or Gepetto from Pinocchio. In another blog I may state my reasons for this.
(I know how all this must sound to non-comic readers. Yes, it is a bit geeky but it's harmless, and if I choose to spend my hard-earned money reading this then that's my choice and it's better than spending it on the cracks)
Speedy reviews for the rest:
JSA - To be dropped probably at the end of this storyline. It's well written and the art is always good but I never particularly like the characters, and need to make some cuts.
Aquaman - Ditto, soon to go. I thought Rick Veitch's run trying to bring him into more Celtic/Arthurian mystique was good but suffered from Veitch's habit of drawing stories out too long with so much padding that a 6-part story ends up being drawn out into 12 issues. It lost a lot of readers for this and so they have paniced and gone retro with him which is in itself rather dull.
Green Lantern Rebirth - Not a bad tale which I have to confess I only picked up as I have a fascination in seeing how they bring heroes back from the dead, or back from evil, or in this case both. I don't particularly like the Sci-Fi aspect of Green Lantern though so won't be picking up the new ongoing monthly.