Friday, August 05, 2005
Bad designs

Well, we're up to part three of four now in the return of Donna Troy. She's ascended to godhood, been quite deranged with the power, beaten the life out of her friends and now come to her senses, remembers them all and all that's left is to sort out the gods and explain what happened between dying, waking up in the middle of a battlefield, and ascending to godhood before returning to normal heroing. Fair enough, not a bad story but nothing to set the world on fire so far and as I've said before, it's just nice to see her back.
BUT, have a look at this opposite. This is her new hero costume. No prizes for guessing it was designed by a gay man, but seriously it's really dreadful for three reasons in my opinion. (1) The leg bits are black instead of the starry bit elsewhere, which seems a bit odd. (2) Yes, she needs the Amazon bracelets but why the bicep ones too? (3) Worst of all, there is the disco-dolly little choker around the neck. Why not give her one of those '80s little more than string headbands too? Heigh ho, what can you do, and at least it's better than a lot of the civilian clothes she was depicted wearing in the '80s.
(Yes, I know she's not real and this is just a comic, but I am allowed to criticise, surely?)
In other news, Hurrah, I managed to get White Stripes tickets for the second Hammersmith show (who would want to go to the Alexander Palace?), and for Sigur Ros at Brixton, and it's the Magic numbers tonight.