Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Hailing frequencies open

Ahhh, Lt Uhura, queen of communications in Star Trek. I've been thinking about her a bit ever since Scotty died the other week. In her autobiography (which I haven't read, but I did buy it for my mate, Gary's birthday the other year) she makes a big deal about how just as she was about to quit the show, Martin Luther King told her she had to stay because her role was such a big deal.
I ask you though, what did she do? Sit behind the captain with a bit of metal in her ear flicking a few switches. And while I'm on the subject, how come all the women had ridiculously short skirts? Yes, it may have been great to have a multi-racial crew in the future, but the women did still seem to be nothing more than bits of fluff for the menfolk to oggle.
She did get to wear trousers in future years, in the films, but if memory serves this was balanced out her her having to do the dance of the seven veils in the worst film of the lot. By this point she was well into her fifties and not really the sort of stripper you'd like to see (cue Wayne Rooney joke here).
Anyhow, having just critically attacked her, I do sort of have to confess that she was always my favourite character, and no-one ever really matched her in my affections in the future series.