Tuesday, September 27, 2005
And Another Thing...

If I ruled the world, part 2.
One law I would introduce would be concerning statues. Frankly, I think you should be dead for over 50 years (preferably 100) before a statue of you can be commissioned. Aside from anything else this would give ample time for the benefit of hindsight to decide whether or not your contribution to the world justified such a tribute.
Why this and why now? Well, in the space of three months I have been to Montreux and seen the statue of Freddie Mercury, as detailed and depicted in an earlier blog, then this statue of Diana and Dodi was unveiled in Harrods and now finally, the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square has a 20ft high statue of Alison Lapper. I'm not going to comment on the artistic merits of any of these (Mr al Fayed has a very keen legal team, and once he has time I'm sure that Ian Mac will be blogging about the Lapper statue better than I could), but I just feel that it is inappropriate to commemorate someone in this way especially when they are still alive, but also before sufficient time has been given to their contribution to the world.