Monday, September 12, 2005
Festival comments

So, as I mentioned earlier, we spent last weekend at the Electric Picnic festival in Ireland. This is only the second year this festival has been running and although there are still areas for improvement, it was a pretty good festival.
In terms of the bands we saw, Arcade Fire were exceptional, Kraftwerk were as good as usual although it was a pity they clashed with Flaming Lips and we had to choose, Mercury Rev can do no wrong in my eyes, Clor were interesting, Do Me Bad Things were a revelation and well worth checking out properly, The Kills were fun, the Human League greatest hits set was just what you needed to kick off a hungover sunday afternoon. That's my highlights. For the rest of the festival, everyone was really nice, well organised beer tent queues (The Big Chill could learn a lot from this), utter confirmation at how gorgeous the Irish accent is (and so many people had lovely eyes).
Minor quibbly flaws - not particularly well signposted so we ended up in the day car park and not the camping one, which was quite a hike away from the camp site. Very few showers. And for some reason, the bars were only licenced until around 11pm (except for the organic one in the Body and Soul Zone, so after 11 it was organic cider or nothing!). I'd go again if the line up was worth it.