Wednesday, September 07, 2005


If I ruled the world...

The first in an occasional series of observations about things that really annoy me more and more as I become a middle-aged old fuddy duddy.

We were at the Electric Picnic music festival in Ireland at the weekend. It was everything you could rerally hope for from a festival of 60-70,000 people in a field an hour or sos drive from Dublin - good music, decent weather etc - and I'll discuss it in finer details including highlights and disappointments in a separate blog.

However, one thing I just don't understand about festivals is why so many people feel the need to wear silly comedy hats or wigs for the entire duration. How does this enhance the festival spirit and your enjoyment? These are regular people, probably with decent jobs and sensible lifestyles so why do they all suddenly decide that as it's a festival, I'd better wear a hat that looks like a flower pot for the next two days? Or a brightly coloured troll wig?

They look crap, simple as that, and I didn't feel my festival going was any the less enjoyable by not wearing a hat. Therefore, if I ruled the world (part 1) comedy hats and wigs would be banned from festivals.

But you look so adorable in a troll wig!
But that's my point, I tried the wig on (reluctantly, after a lot of beers), and it did not raise me onto another level and allow me to see the festival through different eyes.

It was itchy and uncomfortable
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