Thursday, September 22, 2005

The years haven't been kind, have they?
Ok, maybe I'm a bit biased because frankly I never thought that much of INXS - they had a couple of decent songs but didn't rock my world. But you can't deny their success, they were big, gigantic in Australia and big enough in the states and Europe to make each of them very wealthy indeed. Then Michael Hutchence died, they were pall bearers at his funeral and they looked totally desolate, I do believe that it was like losing a brother for them.
That's why I have been disgusted by their desire to rake in the cash by hosting an MTV reality Pop Idol-type show to select a new vocalist to replace Hutchence. This is seriously shameless and an insult to his memory. Some poor Canadian called JD has won, and I hope he enjoys his moment, but he's just going to be a puppet, isn't he? On a salary instead of a share of the royalties like the rest of them. I have no doubt he'll be treated like an outsider, told what to do, never allowed his say. Surely they didn't need the money to stoop this low?
(I feel the same way about Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen too, but their only saving grace is that they selected an established singer, and have just done a handful of gigs - and hats off to John Deacon for having nothing to do with this or "We will rock you". Mr Deacon, you are a truly honorable fellow)