Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Crisis of local comic shops

So, we haven't discussed comics for a while, have we? I'm still reading like it's going out of fashion (and I was right, the Adversary in 'Fables' was Gepetto from Pinocchio after all. Full marks, me) but just haven't had time to review. Same old, same old in many cases so not much to review frankly.
Anyway, that may all be changing next week with the first issue of 'Infinite Crisis' coming out. DC comics big universe shattering crossover that has been a couple of yerars in the making. Very exciting. BUT, why next week? When I am away and not within travelling distance of a comic shop? Of course it will sell out immediately so I am having to rely on the kindness of others to look it out for me (This Perez cover for preference, anyone) . I mean, it will be sent back for reprint but as I never managed to get a copy of Wonder Woman 219 despite the reprint, I can't rely on that. So anyone reading this, please buy me a copy next Thursday (if in the UK) or Wednesday (in the US).
What's going to happen? Well, a guess is that a lot of second stream heroes will die because there are frankly too many of them (My choices for death would include any New Blood heroes, and whoever's left of the New Guardians, who are best left forgotten for the cliches contained within). Current situation is that most of the villans are banding together as an army, not least because of the discovery that years ago the whiter than white Justice League lobotomised and/or mind wiped a few villans who knew too much. Also, a government sponsored force of androids are out targetting heroes, possibly in the fear that they are too powerful and what's to say that they won't turn to dictators at one point? Unfortunately these androids have hacked into Batman's secret files on every hero, and Wonder Woman sort of publically executed the human head of the government agency. Elsewhere there is a war in space, magic has been reduced to it's more primal wild state, and there are hints that the now no longer existing multiverse may be involved.
It's all very involved, isn't it? I think the central point is that the public are no longer trusting the heroes and the heroes are no longer trusting each other. So they are splitting into groups where their loyalties lie - a Bat-family, a Wnder family now that the lovely Donna Troy is back, A Super-family, etc.
What will happen? Who knows at the moment, but it's keeping this 40 year old reading comics.