Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Crisis Talks 2

So I've had a week now to take in Issue 2 of Infinite Crisis and it's time to review/evaluate.
What happened? The lovely Donna Troy has most of her deep space team ready. Any surprises? Well, they are going into deep space because the centre of the universe has shifted and there may be a tear in space opening up. So among her team are Red Tornado, who makes things a bit windy, Animal Man who can copy the powers of Animals he is close to (but in space...?) and two former Teen Titans who have never been anything remotely near big hitters. This seems an odd choice, I will watch with interest.
Also, the OMACs have launched an all out assault on Paradise island and the Amazons are once again being slaughtered.
Finally, the Earth2 Superman made himself known to Power Girl and told her who he was, who she was, where Earth 2 was, what happened to it, why she's a bit of a mess, and what's happened since. Basically he is disappointed that when the multiverse was collapsed into one Earth, the resultant years have been rather grim and dark (a comment on the last 20 years in comics). And finally she remembered everything, and he said that he was going to make it all right again by bringing back Earth 2 instead of this depressing world where people die.
Oh, and Lex Luthor, who may not be the real Lex Luthor, is collecting representatives from what was each old Earth for some nefarious purpose.
So comments. Why has Donna got Herald and Bumblebee in her team? I wonder whether as Herald's horn can open dimensional rifts, he will be essential in closing what's happening in space, but he'll make the ultimate sacrifice. This will allow Bumblebee to link up with Cyborg, as hinted in the Titans Tomorrow storyline and the cartoon series. Hopefully she'll change her name too.
Is the earth 2 Superman a misguided villain, or is there more to come?
Just how many Amazons are there and why are they always cannon fodder? I'm serious on this one. In the past few years of our time, they had a civil war with hundreds dead, the dreadful Our Worlds At War storyline with hundreds dead, an attack by Darkseid with hundreds dead. It's funny how they seem an easier target than the shock of killing real civilians. Maybe this is a post 9/11 thing - don't kill civilians as it's too close for comfort.
Oh, and Wonder Woman the comic is cncelled in February for a relaunch and new direction.
I'm really enjoying Crisis but there is a lot to cover in just 5 remaining issues.