Friday, November 04, 2005
Crisis update

After all that fuss, it's time for comments on Issue 1 of DC's major "This will set out the direction for the next 20 years" comic event, Infinite Crisis.
Well, it's certainly off to a promising start by killing off a few second (or third depending on your opinion) heroes, and showing that the biggest crisis is that the heroes, especially the big ones, just don't trust each other anymore. Phil Jiminez's artwork is, of course, incredible.
So after this issue, and the revelations of the Return of Donna Troy and the true origin of Power Girl, it's clear that the multiverse did exist (as opposed to being countered out in the reboot of the universe in Crisis on Infinite Earths), but where will this lead us in the next six issues? Personally I hope the Multiverse will not return, nor will the dead earth-2 characters like the Helena Wayne Huntress, but at least people will acknowledge it was there once.
Predictions for the series? I still think Captain Marvel will die, or at least assume the role of Shazam, and considering they are minor characters, and the appearance of Fury 1 and Herald on the covers of issues 3&4 sends out a hint to me that they are not long for the world (Will Herald be sacrificed using his horn to close a rift in space?). I hope they don't kill off Bumblebee but I hope they change her name after this. I also have a funny feeling Starfire may go as well, don't know why.
Issue 2's out in a fortnight so let's see what happens next