Thursday, November 17, 2005
More from the Hitch-list

Number 3 in an occasional series of grumpy old man observations and things that would make the world a better place if I had my way...
You pay good money to go and see a band, or the theatre, or a sports event and you spend half the time texting (or phoning) a friend. Why do you need to do that? Your conversation and observations are not so earth-shatteringly important that you need to impart it immediately. And, how about sparing a thought for the people around you?
Two examples; Last year we went to see Brad Meldhau in a quiet intimate venue. Pre-show you couldn't help but hear the four people behind us. One of the flash lads had got the four tickets as corporate hospitality (they all had not idea who Brad Meldhau was) and was bragging about how great it was to get free tickets. Once the show started, the blonde girlfriend realised that quiet piano jazz trio sounds wasn't for her and so started texting her friends. Every few minutes "beep beep" of a return message. Selfish cow. They didn't come back from the interval after she was told top shut up (not by us for once).
And last night. Okay, so everyone had gone to see Devendra Banhart and not Dirty Three in support, but it was offensive the number of people deciding that as they were not interested in the support, no-one probably was so that makes it alright to drown out the sound of the band. I caught a glimpse of the text a guy in front was sending - "some violin player crap. Devendra on next thankfully". Selfish twat. For the record, Dirty three were actually very good and wasted on most of the people there.
So, a recap so far: if I ruled the world, hats are banned from festivals, all mobiles switched off during shows, and no statues until you've been dead for ages. What will I rant against next?
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