Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Explosions in the sky

So on Sunday morning there was a huge explosion at an oil depot in Hertfordshire. I guess it was huge too, my parents live 8 or so miles away and they were woken, but I am a bit sceptical about all these reports of people hearing it in Devon and Holland and places like that.
Anyway, 15-odd years ago, I actually was living extremely close to it, in the housing area to the bottom left of the picture. If the explosion had happened then, I would have been one of the many to have had their windows blown in, car damaged, roof collapsing etc, and evacuated for health reasons. I know one shouldn't make light of this, and there are people devastated just a fortnight before Christmas, but you know what? I hated living there and I wouldn't have shed a tear if the explosion had levelled the area (as long as no-one was hurt, of course). It's a horrible area, populated by mostly horrible people (or at least it was, I shouldn't condemn the current residents on the basis of those who once lived there). Hemel Hempstead = Scum City. Sorry, but it's true.
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