Monday, January 16, 2006
making the heart grow fonder

Absence, as they say, makes the heart grow fonder.
You may be aware from reading Ian Mac's blog (check the link - I now do links too, will wonders ever cease?), Ian has been offered a too good to pass up on job opportunity which will mean that he will be based in Glasgow for the most part of the year. It was only yesterday that Marfa and I drove him to the station laiden down with suitcases and it truly sank in what this actually means and how much I am going to miss him. There's a silence in the house now that is almost deafening.
It's not all bad, and he will be back most weekends, and I plan to visit him and see what Glasgow is truly like as often as possible, and lets face it, time is flying by too fast at the moment so the year will most likely pass in the blink of an eye, but that doesn't mean I won't be missing him terribly.
But we are not the first to be in this position by a long shot, so we can't really complain. How often has my friend Major Bill been away on tours of duty since I first met him? Ian's sister and brother-in-law, Ann and Sid, are based in Australia but Sid spent most of last year in Cambridge, UK, teaching. My father had the opportunity of a 2-year scholarship in the US back in 1959 when he and my mother were engaged and in days before email and when long-distance telephones were expensive and difficult, they wrote to each other every day, and this year will celebrate 46 years of marriage. So frankly, being in Glasgow until December with weekend visits every other weekend and the occasional week working in London is nothing.
So I miss you, Mac, but I'll talk to you every day and see you at the weekend. Love you, boy
i'm just getting over the holidays and trying to get back on top of things. i've just found out today that i'll be in a museum show in new york. i haven't had anything good like that for ages so i'm quite pleased with meself at the moment! it's been too long since we've seen each other. hugs to you and marfa. xo kb
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