Monday, March 13, 2006
Turning Republican?

So I'm just walking along Cromwell Road in London to go to the supermarket when there is a rush of flashing police motorcycles and lights etc. All the traffic has to stop to let the cars through.
What could this emergency be, I wonder? Oh, as the main car passes I see inside it are Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles (and a bouquet of flowers). Yes, the man is too good to sit in traffic like the rest of us, and we all must get out of the way for him.
I'm sorry, but I feel that he personifies everything that's wrong with the Royal family, especially after all the recent revelations, such as being disgruntled at only flying first class, having a man squeeze his toothpaste onto his toothbrush for him, etc. He really makes me wish we were a Republic at times.
What a cock!