Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Lips inc

Gig of the week was seeing the Flaming Lips at the Albert Hall on Saturday, especially as we were lucky enough to have downstairs standing tickets. This meant that we were able to get within 3 rows from the front and could spend the entire show dancing, knocking the giant balloons out of the way and brushing the constant confetti from out shoulders.
I sort of felt sorry for those up at the top, because the only place to really enjoy them was right down at the front, but then again, some people prefer to buy seats and relax at a gig.
I have mixed feelings about gigs at the Albert Hall (not least losing out on getting tickets for Bruce Springsteen last year). The last time we were there was to see Morrissey a couple of years ago and we were seated pretty high up, and after a while I really couldn't care less if I was there or not (I wasn't that fussed about Morrissey anyway, to be honest), but if you can get downstairs standing, it is one of the best venues in London.
Roll on Mogwai in September!
Mogwai? I know you're going to think I'm taking the piss but I swear that I honestly believe that I'm a better musician than every member of that band combined.
I'm amazed that you've been able to mention Springsteen, Flaming Lips and Mogwai in one fell swoop.
We're going to Coachella this week. I'll get to see Franz, the Rakes, Ladytron, Lady Sovereign and Daft Punk in one day. Seeing the Rakes here on Thursday (twice in one week) and Art Brut next Monday.
It's a shame we weren't friends when I had access to the Bruce Springsteen camp. I'm sure I've told you the story. It's so ironic that I love rock bands more than anything and the one band I actually got some real access too I didn't give a shit about. I must've seen 20 springsteen shows over a 2 year period when my friend Gia was singing for the boss. I used to hang out at Roy Bittan's house, he was a nice guy but not particularly interesting. I'm afraid Springsteen kind of fits into the Sting, U2, Coldplay, Radiohead mold that I've not interest in. Heartfelt, serious and anthemic. I will admit that I was very fond of Embrace at one time but have completely lost the plot with them.
Miss you both.
xo kb
Not the time to mention we're off to see Radiohead next week then!
Springsteen is just someone who I went gaga over on hearing The River when I was 15 or so. I don't worship the ground he walks over like his biographer Dave Marsh, but I find him oftentimes to be either perfect drivetime music or evening reading music (except for the Human Touch/Lucky Town fiasco which by my calculations was when you had a foot in the camp)
Miss you and Kenny too. Mac's up a mountain again and I'm feeling flu-ey
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