Thursday, May 25, 2006
only in America

Now I love America and I especially love my American friends, but you do have to wonder about the place at times. It was bad enough that despite the economy not being in good shape, and the war in Iraq being a questionable disaster, one of the main topics that 2004's presidential election was the horror of gay marriages. That's nothing compared to this,,1782423,00.html
A couple are being fined for living in a town whilst having children out of wedlock? I just don't believe this. Now I know that this isn't indicative of the US as a whole and is surely an anomoly which you are bound to find in such a large country, but one of these days all of these little things will add up and if you put them together, it really is a bit scary.
POSTSCRIPT: What the online article fails to do is publish the photo of the couple which is in the main newspaper. Do you think all this fuss could also have anything to do with them being a mixed race couple?