Friday, May 19, 2006
variation on a theme

Now I appreciate that this is not far removed from an earlier blog about people phoning or texting during a gig, but I was sufficiently wound up last night at Tapes N Tapes that I feel this deserves it's own place in the 'If I ruled the world' chart.
Incessant chatting through a gig. Why do people do it? More importantly, why don't they stop and think that if they have to shout for their friend to hear them, everyone around them can hear too and actually, we didn't pay ticket money to be forced to hear about what happened to them at work today. I mean, there were a couple of little girls next to us last night (and I'm being purposely patronising there because they had the immaturity of schoolgirls after all) and one spent the entire gig with her back to the band so she could chat to her mate. Why did she even bother going? And before anyone says that why didn't we move, unfortunately it was moving away from another obnoxious couple that left us there in the first place. Also, if you ever turn around and ask people like this to shut up, they have a go at you as it you are in the wrong.
Mac tells me that it isn't like this in Glasgow when he see's a band there and I do wonder if it's a London thing to an extent. On any given day there are a good dozen shows on somewhere in London, and I think people are seeing going to a gig as more of a social thing like going to a pub, as opposed to actually going as a serious muso type.
Maybe I am becoming more and more of a grumpy old man but is it too much to ask that people keep quite when the band's playing?