Friday, June 02, 2006

In a moment of odd co-incidence, I have had two cases of fetishism brought to me attention in the last few hours. Firstly I was reliably informed that someone I know has been frequenting Central Station's foot fetishism night and making "friends". Then, a work colleague showed me her prim Catholic-school teacher's ebay page, selling off a load of pvc cat suits/schoolgirl outfits and other bondage gear.
So, this made me think if I have some sort of subconscious fetish (or at least would I consider having one)? Well, it's no secret that I read comics and there is always something dubious about the costumes, so maybe subconsciously I read comics because I get off on the costumes.
One quick flick through google images seeing plenty of pictures like this, however, have confirmed to me that this is the last thing on my mind and I think I'd rather abstain.