Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Dream Concert

Of course, for this to be real and worth it, the concert would need to go on until at least 1am, but for this line up I would happily pay for an overpriced dodgy minicab home.
A big hands up to Mac and for bringing the ticket generating site to my attention. Boadwee, what will your gig be?
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Bruce Sringsteen and Ben Folds? Really? Oh, how I lament that I didn't get to take you to one of the 5 billion shows I saw when i went to souncheck, backstage, the hotels, the busses, etc. It was by no means horrible but I just didn't care. I had a moment with Darkness on the edge of town about a million years ago but I just can't relate to sad songs about cars, bars, workers, politics and factories.
My dream gig would be DUELS with THE LONG BLONDES as openers. When I think about my gig going experiences, a band that's hot out of the gate will kick the ass of an "oldies" act EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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My dream gig would be DUELS with THE LONG BLONDES as openers. When I think about my gig going experiences, a band that's hot out of the gate will kick the ass of an "oldies" act EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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