Monday, October 23, 2006
battered and bruised

So I'm having to take time off work to wait in for the insurance people to assess and (eventually) repair a rain-damaged roof, and this is a very bad time to be doing this as I am swamped under at work at the moment. To balance this, and in a moment of showing dedication at work, I offer to borrow the office laptop to work from home while i wait for the insurance man. Plus points for me there.
However, the laptop is about 5 years old, extremely slow and very bulky. Still, I get about 4 hours of work done. Next day, however, I slipped carrying then laptop to work and in an attempt to stay upright and protect the system I twisted my ankle badly. Seriously, the pain was unbelievable. I really shouldn't have gone out that evening but Mac was down and I hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks so off we went to a night of extreme electronica from Russell Haswell and Hecker, and Sunn 0))) . Well, all I can say was that this was quite a good way to distract myself from the pain in my ankle by focussing on the pain in my ear instead!
A week later and I'm still limping but I think I'm getting better.