Wednesday, January 17, 2007
getting worse

I had sort of promised myself not to keep blogging about Celebrity Big Brother but I think it's hard to avoid talking about the latest situation. I have to wonder at what point Channel 4 will give up on the thought that only no publicity is bad publicity? Hopefully main spnsors Carphone Warehouse considering their position might do something.
The fuss this year is the alleged racism/bullying from the witches coven of Jade Goody, the S Club girl and the ex Miss Great Britain, as well as from the Goody family invasion. Do I think it's racism? Tough one because I think that is treading a very fine line of interpretation and perhaps political correctness. There is, however, no question of bullying and straight out of the playground bitching from the coven. Yes, they are bullys. Yes, they are picking on Shilpa because she doesn't fit in with their crowd. Yes, they are acting immature and ignorant to the extent that it is coming across as offensive and painful television. We are trying to avoid watching it now.
I'd like to say that this will damage their careers, especially Jade's, but of the three of them she will be the one most likely to survive. Miss Great Britain will be vilified on exit. Quite right too, but considering she isn't exactly seen in a good light after being fired once it was discovered that she was sleeping with one of the judges who picked her as Miss Great Britain, she's not lost that much face. Jo S Club won't rekindle her career but she wasn't that keen on doing that anyway.
That leaves us with Jade. Okay, I'll go on record here and admit that I despise her and her family, and they have been disgraceful on the programme. I'm offended that these nobodies have been paid vast amounts of money to appear. The boyfriend is a stupid child - having a televised hand shandy and coming all over Jade so that she could let everyone know what he has done was a disgrace. The mother is ignorant and probably come closest to outright racism by referring to Shilpa just as 'the Indian' and failing to pronounce her name correctly (IT IS NOT DIFFICULT). But Jade is the ringleader for everything. Sadly she is also a master self-publicist and on leaving to house to find how badly she has been received, will do a tearful tell-all interview with Heat (and anyone else who will listen) and get away with it.
This programme has ceased to be must-see television. Get it off my screen now.
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